The Pharisees Guardians of the Law and Tradition Historical Overview

By New Prophets Gods Chosen | May 29, 2024

The Pharisees emerged during the Second Temple period, likely around the second century BC. As a lay movement, they focused on strict adherence to the Torah and oral traditions, distinguishing themselves from the priestly class. Central to Pharisaic belief was the authority of the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament. They also upheld the importance of oral tradition, viewing it as an extension of written law.

The Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the dead, judgment after death, and the existence of angels and spirits. They emphasized ritual purity, extending priestly purity laws to all Jews, and played a significant role in the development of synagogues as centers for teaching and community life. Many Pharisees were scribes and teachers of the law, deeply involved in Jewish religious education and legal matters.

Their dedication to piety and adherence to the law earned them respect among the common people. However, New Testament depictions often show them in conflict with Jesus, particularly on issues of law, Sabbath observance, and ritual purity. Jesus criticized them for their perceived hypocrisy and legalism, highlighting the tension between his teachings and Pharisaic practices.

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