What is the hidden manna and the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2 17

By New Prophets Gods Chosen | Dec 24, 2024

The Meaning of Hidden Manna in Revelation 2:17 | Spiritual Insights

What does the "hidden manna" in Revelation 2:17 truly symbolize? 🌟 Dive into this spiritual insight to uncover its profound meaning! The "hidden manna" represents God's divine sustenance for believers, mirroring the miraculous manna provided in the wilderness (Exodus). It offers nourishment for the soul and reflects hidden truths accessible through earnest faith.

The golden plate cradles a radiant white stone, glistening in heavenly brilliance. A cascade of glowing manna descends from a soft, cloud-filled sky, representing the hidden blessings of God. The scene is suffused with a sense of sacred mystery and divine hope.

What Are the "Hidden Manna" and "White Stone" in Revelation 2:17?

Revelation 2:17 says:

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”

This verse contains profound symbols of spiritual sustenance and divine promises. Let's break them down:

Hidden Manna

  • Represents spiritual nourishment provided by God.
  • Symbolizes Jesus, the Bread of Life, as seen in John 6:35.
  • Reflects truths and blessings that are accessible through a deep, earnest faith.

White Stone

  • Symbol of acceptance, victory, or acquittal in ancient traditions.
  • Represents a unique and eternal identity in Christ, as the stone contains a "new name" given by God.
  • Highlights personal and intimate relationships with the Creator.

These symbols are promises of spiritual abundance and identity for those who remain steadfast in faith.

Commonly Asked Questions

1. What does the "hidden manna" mean for believers today?

The hidden manna reminds believers of their need for spiritual nourishment. Just as the Israelites relied on manna for physical sustenance, Christians are called to rely on Jesus for spiritual strength and growth. It encourages a deeper relationship with Christ and trust in His provision.

2. Why is the manna called "hidden"?

The term "hidden" emphasizes its spiritual nature—it is not visible or tangible like physical food but is revealed to those who earnestly seek God. It also points to the deeper mysteries of faith, accessible only through a close walk with the Lord.

3. What is the significance of the "white stone"?

The white stone represents victory and a unique, eternal identity in Christ. It serves as a divine token of acceptance and an intimate promise between God and the believer. The "new name" symbolizes the personal relationship each believer has with God and their transformed life in Him.

4. Why is the "new name" written on the stone kept secret?

The secretive nature of the name reflects the deeply personal and individual relationship between God and the believer. It underscores the unique identity and destiny that God has prepared for each of His children.

5. How can I "overcome" as mentioned in this verse?

To overcome means to remain faithful and steadfast in the face of trials and challenges. It involves trusting in God's promises, living according to His Word, and holding onto faith despite difficulties. Those who overcome are promised these eternal rewards.

6. How do these symbols relate to the overall message of Revelation?

Revelation speaks to the ultimate victory of God and His people. The hidden manna and white stone are assurances of God’s provision and the personal care He extends to each believer, encouraging faithfulness and perseverance in a challenging world.

These symbols inspire believers to press on, knowing that God’s promises are sure and His provision is eternal. Let them remind you of the richness of faith and the rewards awaiting those who trust in Him!


Discover how this promise assures eternal spiritual abundance and calls us to remain steadfast in faith. Embrace the gift of grace, knowledge, and trust in God's provision!


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